Meet The Team

Meet The Team


Rachel (She/Her)

Rachel (She/Her)

Meet Rachel, our Co-founder. 

Rachel made a big move during COVID from teaching maths to secondary school children into the wine industry. Read whatever you want into that! 

Rachel's introduction to American wine was in her early 20s, on a trip to California with her father (now Co-Founder!), and she has loved them ever since! Recently, she has been obsessed with the sustainable practices that seem to be prevalent in the American winemaking scene.

Her favourite wine is a relaxed, dry sparkling (with her love for natural wine, her fav is the Dunites Pet Nat) or an earthy Pinot Noir. Alongside wine, she loves to rock climb and take her high energy dog for long walks (he needs a lot of them, being a Whippet Border Collie Cross!!)⠀

Rhiannon (She/Her)

Rhiannon (She/Her)

Meet Rhiannon, our Shop Manager.

Rhiannon has discovered her love for wine through her previous job in hospitality, and she is fascinated by the microclimates within the Pacific West Coast. For her, it is "the perfect place for excellent quality, sustainable, low-intervention winemaking".

She loves all wine but her favourite wines are lusciously sweet. From our collection she says "you can't go wrong with a traditional method sparkling Blanc de Blancs". 

Outside the shop, Rhiannon can usually be found checking out local comedy shows, going to see live music or making some delicious pasta at home. 

Em (They/Them)

Em (They/Them)

Meet Em, Shop Team Member.

Em found an interest in the wine industry through tastings whilst working in hospitality around studying History of Art. After completing their third year essays they took a WSET Level 2 to begin their official journey in wine education.

They love any kind of Riesling, whether sweet or dry, and the Tatomer Riesling with its saline minerality is their current shop favourite.

Outside of the shop, Em can be found honing their photography skills or searching for their next favourite restaurant.

Lauren (She/They)

Lauren (She/They)

Lauren comes from a wine-loving family and has loved learning more about the amazing American wines we have in the shop.

She loves a fresh white or orange wine and is also a big fan of a Pet Nat, her current fave is our shop exclusive Rosé Pet-Nat from Field Recordings!

Outside of the shop, Lauren can be found reading a book, preferably in a park with some lovely wine on a sunny day.

Nasif (He/Him)

Nasif (He/Him)

Meet Nasif, Shop Team Member.

Nasif discovered his love for wine more than 10 years ago while working in wine retail in Hong Kong; “I like geography and everything to do with maps, so I was keen to study the wine industry as it is all about maps!”. He did a lot of studying and tastings and successfully passed the WSET Level 4 Diploma.

He loves all wine but his favourite is an elegant red with good structure and complexity. As a lover of Oregon wines - especially Willamette Valley - his top wine at the shop is the Bow & Arrow Rhinestones Pinot Gamay.

Outside the shop Nasif likes to play football and watch good movies while drinking a glass of wine (obviously!).